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Setting Up Your Computer for Internet Access

Macintosh OS 7.x
Friday Harbor

MacTCP Setup

  1. Click the Apple icon then click (highlight) Control Panel.
  2. Double click MacTCP.
  3. Click (highlight) the PPP icon.
  4. Double click on More.
  5. In the Domain Name Server Information section, in the first row under Domain, type www.interisland.net.
  6. In the first row under IP Address, type
  7. In the second row under Domain, type www.interisland.net
  8. In the second row under IP Address, type
  9. Select the button in the first row under Default.
  10. Click OK
Config PPP Setup

  1. Click the Apple icon then click (highlight) Control Panel.
  2. Double click Config PPP
  3. Select New...
  4. Type in Interisland if you are configuring for the Friday Harbor dial-up.
  5. Click OK
  6. Click Config...
  7. Port Speed: Type 57600 if you have a 56K modem; type 19200 if you have a 14.4K modem.
  8. Phone Num: Type in 378-9402 for the Friday Harbor dial-up.
  9. Click Authentication...
  10. Auth. ID: Type in your username.
  11. Password: Type in your password.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Click Done.
To get on the Internet, click the Apple, click Control Panel, double click Config PPP, click Open, and when the sad faces turn to happy faces and connect with each other, you're connected to the Internet! To browse the internet, open your web browser program (Internet Explorer or Netscape). Or open your email program (Outlook Express or Netscape Messenger) to send and receive email.